SfC is a good practice for German Government!

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SfC-Shareholders for Change is a good practice for German Government!

Today February 25th 2021, the German government’s Sustainable Finance Advisory Council presented its final report “Shifting the trillions. A sustainable financial system for the great transformation“. The report, that includes 31 recommendations, shows how capital markets can contribute to sustainable development in the best possible way.

One of the recommendations (number 31) refers to the “engagement of institutional investors” and advises to “exchange information and background research” with investor platforms such as Arbeitskreis Kirchlicher Investoren (AKI), CRIC e. V., Net Zero Asset Owner Alliance and Shareholders for Change!

We are very proud to have been included in this report as good practice in the field of engagement with companies and countries on social, environmental and governance issues“, explains Tommy Piemonte, Head of Sustainable Investment Research at Bank für Kirche und Caritas eG, German founding member of Shareholders for Change. “Our focus on constant new research and the so-called “orphan issues“, such as tax transparency or rare metals, as well as on critical shareholding has been rewarded“.