Category: SfC

2024 summer meeting

On June 6th and 7th, the members of Shareholders for Change gathered at the headquarters of Ethos Foundation in Geneva for our annual summer meeting. During these two days we welcomed for the first time EB – Sustainable Investment Management (EB-SIM) as a new ordinary member and Fondazione Cariplo as our first supporting member.  Day 1 On the first day, representatives[…]

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Alix Roy

Alix Roy, ESG Analyst at Ecofi, was elected Vice-President during our Summer Meeting   Three questions to Alix Roy, ESG analyst at Ecofi (France)   The SfC Summer Meeting, held in Geneva on 6-7 June, was full of topics for discussion. What were the three most interesting ideas you took back to Paris? One of[…]

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Appeal AGMs

Shareholders for Change released an appeal to say no to AGMs behind closed doors or virtual-only advocating for a hybrid approach that allows both in-person and virtual participation by shareholders. The Annual General Meeting (AGM) is an important forum for corporate boards and management to convey the company’s financial position, performance, strategy, and long-term prospects to shareholders.[…]

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2023 winter meeting

On December 11th and 12th, Shareholders for Change’s members gathered at the headquarters of Banca Etica in Padua for our annual winter meeting.   During the winter meeting, we had the opportunity to discuss the successes of the current year’s engagements and plan 2024 activities. On the first day, we had the pleasure to have[…]

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2023 Summer meeting

On June 6th and 7th, the members of SfC gathered at the headquarters of Etica Sgr in Milan for our annual summer meeting. The two days brought promising prospects for the development and growth of the network. Several key proposals were put forth to advance our mission, including: Developing new strategies to foster cooperation between[…]

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SfC-Shareholders for Change is a good practice for German Government!

Today February 25th 2021, the German government’s Sustainable Finance Advisory Council presented its final report “Shifting the trillions. A sustainable financial system for the great transformation“. The report, that includes 31 recommendations, shows how capital markets can contribute to sustainable development in the best possible way. One of the recommendations (number 31) refers to the[…]

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Forma Futura Invest, based in Zurich, Switzerland, has joined the European network for shareholder engagement SfC – Shareholders for Change. The network, that was created in December 2017, has now 10 members with more than € 23bn assets under management (AUM). Forma Futura, is an independent asset manager mostly dedicated to private and institutional investors[…]

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