SfC welcomes Forma Futura Invest as new member
Forma Futura Invest, based in Zurich, Switzerland, has joined the European network for shareholder engagement SfC – Shareholders for Change. The network, that was created in December 2017, has now 10 members with more than € 23bn assets under management (AUM).
Forma Futura, is an independent asset manager mostly dedicated to private and institutional investors (e.g. pension funds, charitable foundations), with a strong focus on socially responsible investments which foster a sustainable quality of life.
«Entering the SfC network is a great opportunity for us», explains Doris Hauser, head of Sustainability Research at Forma Futura. «We are already involved in engagement with companies. We are confident that the network will give us the opportunity to further develop these activities while joining forces and sharing know-how with other members regarding controversial activities and legal breaches of multinational companies as well as best practice examples»
«By welcoming Forma Futura, SfC confirms its preference for small-medium investors dedicated to socially responsible investments», adds Aurélie Baudhuin, president of Shareholders for Change. «The AGM season 2019 will be dedicated to join forces and engage companies on new issues, such as tax avoidance or the sourcing of rare earth metals, while consolidating the engagement processes launched in 2018».
About Forma Futura Invest
Forma Futura Invest Inc. is an independent asset management company. It invests responsibly in listed companies. All its clients’ funds are invested in a manner that foster a sustainable quality of life and, at the same time, achieve a fair market return.