SfC Summer Meeting 2023

On June 6th and 7th, the members of SfC gathered at the headquarters of Etica Sgr in Milan for our annual summer meeting. The two days brought promising prospects for the development and growth of the network.
Several key proposals were put forth to advance our mission, including:
- Developing new strategies to foster cooperation between members through internal webinars and analysis on how individual SfC members carry out their engagement activities;
- Re-balancing engagement issues, focussing more on human rights, taxation and global health.
According to the network’s Memorandum, SfC’s core issues are: workers and human rights; global health and nutrition; production and trading of weapons systems; tax avoidance and international corruption; climate change.
In 2022, 45% of our engagement initiatives focussed on climate issues. In the future, SfC should focus more on human rights, taxation and global health.
Exciting engagement projects are on the horizon for the second half of 2023. Notable initiatives include the Ethos Foundation (Switzerland)’s project on plastic pollution and circular economy. Also, Etica Sgr will spearhead a new initiative on fiscal transparency, aligning with the application of GRI principle 207.
Established in December 2017 on the initiative of 7 founding members and around €20 billion in assets under management, we’ve proudly seen SfC grow to today’s 17 members representing over €35 billion in assets.