2019/07/25 United Kingdom - Engagement
German church bank steps up big oil divestment with ‘worst in class’ approach
Language: english
2019/06/12 England - Engagement
Investors Urge Support For Swiss Human Rights Due Diligence Law
Language: english
2019/05/03 France - Engagement
The world is rapidly becoming militarized and finance must slow down this fever to armament
Language: french
2019/04/25 Spain - Engagement
Language: spanish
2019/04/25 Spain - Engagement
Language: spanish
2019/04/25 Spain - Engagement
Language: spanish
2019/04/25 Spain - Engagement
Energy Poverty. The Shareholders’ Meeting from Endesa
Language: spanish
2018/12/12 Germany - Engagement
Bank für Kirche und Caritas takes action against lack of tax transparency
Language: german
2019/01/22 France - Engagement
Language: french
2018/12/12 Germany - Engagement
Bank für Kirche und Caritas takes action against lack of tax transparency
Language: german
2018/12/05 Italia - Engagement
Active shareholders, our plan on corporations for 2019
Language: italiano