Category: Members


  EB-SIM, an asset manager specialising in sustainable investments, is stepping up its engagement by joining Shareholders for Change (SfC).    “It is an honour for EB-SIM to be included in this highly respected group of pan-European investors. We look forward to working with the other members in collaborative engagement,” says Dr. Oliver Pfeil, Chief[…]

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Forma futura

Forma futura engagement with Lindt & Sprüngli represents a good example of synergies within SfC   Five questions to Manuel Wirth, Sustainability Analyst at Forma Futura (Switzerland)   What has worked well in the engagement with Lindt & Sprüngli? We think this engagement is a good example of how the synergies of the SfC network[…]

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At the end of November, Etica Funds landed in New York, at the UN headquarters for the second Meeting of States Parties to the TPNW.   Between 27 November and 1 December, our member Etica Funds attended the second Meeting of States Parties to the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons (TPNW) at the United Nations headquarters[…]

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In July, SfC member Ecofi launched a biodiversity engagement campaign with 22 companies selected on the basis of the quality of their biodiversity policies and the severity of their controversies on this topic.     Four question to Alix Roy, ESG analyst at Ecofi  What is your commitment to biodiversity? We integrated the biodiversity dimension into[…]

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Photo: ICAN | Aude Catimel SfC member Etica Sgr seeks signatories for Nuclear Weapons Abolition Pledge   In June 2022, SfC’s member Etica Sgr took part in the first meeting of states parties to the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons (TPNW), where it presented a statement signed by more than 30 investors and[…]

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WHEB Asset Management, based in London, UK, has joined the European network for shareholder engagement SfC – Shareholders for Change in April 2023.    WHEB is an independent asset management company, created in 2009. It draws its roots from deep within the ethical and socially-responsible investment movement and is exclusively dedicated to sustainable and impact[…]

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GLS Bank

GLS Investment Management GmbH, the fund subsidiary of GLS Bank has joined Shareholders for Change. Our network has now 16 members located all across Europe, with ca. €35bn in assets under management.   “We are very much looking forward to the collaboration. We share the same values and have already been working together trustfully in[…]

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Inyova, a digital impact investing platform with offices in Zurich and Frankfurt, joined SfC – Shareholders for Change in December 2022. Founded in Switzerland in 2017, Inyova expanded into Germany in 2021 and is fully licensed for all European markets. The company manages over EUR 170m in assets.   Inyova stands for “Invest in your[…]

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shareholder resolutions

SfC’s new member Phitrust is specialised in engaging French companies, especially on governance issues, through shareholder resolutions. It has filed 50 resolutions in France since 2000. The most recent successes were achieved in 2022 with Danone and Stellantis, as explained in this interview.   Denis, what distinguishes Phitrust’s approach to engagement with companies? We are[…]

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