On Friday, June 29, French oil&gas giant Total was pleased that its shareholders rejected a resolution that had been submitted to its AGM against the advice of its Board of Directors. Put on the agenda by eleven investors representing ca. 1.36% of the company’s share capital, including SfC members Meeschaert AM, as lead filer, Ecofi[…]
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A group of institutional investors and NGOs, led by SfC, ask the Norwegian fund to divest from Rheinmetall A group of European institutional investors and NGOs, led by SfC – Shareholders for Change’s founding members Bank für Kirche und Caritas (BKC) and Fondazione Finanza Etica, sent a letter to the Norwegian pension fund on the[…]
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With a letter to the UN Namibian ambassador, BKC and SfC engage asked the African country to ratify the biological weapons convention. The engagement is done also on behalf of SfC. In January Bank für Kirche und Caritas (BKC), founding member of SfC – Shareholders for Change, has started to engage the Namibian government,[…]
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Forma Futura leads SfC engagement on Johnson Controls, Becton Dickinson, Ericsson and others The Zurich based Forma Futura Invest, one of the three Swiss members of SfC – Shareholders for Change, will send letters to seven companies in March, asking for clarification on a number of controversial cases. This will be done also on[…]
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A new engagement process with Orange has been launched by SfC’s founding member Ecofi Investissements in October. Alleged anti-competitive practices, alleged controversies in the relation with customers in Africa and Poland as well as the restructuring process, back in 2008, accompanied by an anomalous number of suicides among the company’s employees, that has recently[…]
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Fundación Finanzas Éticas, founding member of SfC – Shareholders for Change is engaging the Spanish power company Endesa on energy poverty On 15 April 2019, Fundación Finanzas Éticas (on behalf of SfC – Shareholders for Change, of which it is one of the seven founding members), Greenpeace Spain and IIDMA (International Institute for Law[…]
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On 31 July, the Italian government has suspended Rheinmetall bomb export licenses to Saudi Arabia and United Arab Emirates, involved in the Yemen war, for 18 months. The company’s Italian subsidiary, RWM Italia, produces bombs that are exported to Saudi Arabia and used to bomb Yemen, in a war which has no legitimacy under[…]
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Bank für Kirche und Caritas (BKC), a founding member of SfC, continued the engagement dialogue with the investment manager of the Plenum CAT (catastrophe) Bond Fund. The asset class of catastrophe bonds transfers a part of the risk of catastrophes from governments and people directly to capital markets. It hence provides disaster risk capital to[…]
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Ethos Foundation, which joined SfC – Shareholders for Change in December 2018, has been asked by the 137 members of the Ethos Engagement Pool Switzerland to include the issue of corporate tax responsibility into its engagement program with companies. In September 2018, in response to the request, Ethos published an Engagement Paper that summarises its[…]
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