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Ökoworld, an asset manager pioneer in the field of sustainable investment, joined SfC in December 2024. By joining Shareholders for Change, ÖKOWORLD is further expanding its engagement activities. ‘It carries more weight when 20 institutional investors act together and fight for positive change in companies,’ says the company in a press release. ‘We want to[…]

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On 12 November 2024, SfC members met with ICCR CEO Josh Zinner in a webinar.  For over 50 years, members of ICCR – a coalition of over 300 global institutional investors representing more than $4 trillion in managed assets – have leveraged their role as shareholders to call for improved performance on critical environmental and[…]

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Marco Carlizzi, Chairman of Etica Funds, spoke at the second Meeting of States Parties to the TPNW to read the Investor Statement and renovate the commitment to stop fundings for nuclear weapons   Three questions to Marco Carlizzi, Chairman of Etica Funds   The 2017 TPNW complements and reinforces the 1968 Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT). What[…]

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Say on Climate

We asked this question to the SfC members who have been involved in the project during the AGM Season 2021.   Mauro Meggiolaro, Fondazione Finanza Etica  “We evaluated the decarbonisation plans of Eni, Shell and Total. All three are still vague and concentrate most decarbonisation efforts after 2030. How can the majority of shareholders be[…]

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donation to tax justice network

SfC made a donation to Tax Justice Network after hosting a seminar of its expert Tommaso Faccio   In a seminar that was held in Madrid last December, Tommaso Faccio, researcher in the field of corporation tax at the Nottingham University and co-founder of Tax Justice Italia, explained to SfC members how the most recurrent[…]

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Rheinmetall engagement

On 31 July, the Italian government has suspended Rheinmetall bomb export licenses to Saudi Arabia and United Arab Emirates, involved in the Yemen war, for 18 months.   The company’s Italian subsidiary, RWM Italia, produces bombs that are exported to Saudi Arabia and used to bomb Yemen, in a war which has no legitimacy under[…]

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A report by the European network for shareholder engagement “SfC – Shareholders for Change” lists twelve companies potentially exposed to risks linked to the extraction and use of rare metals, that are strategic for the transition to a low carbon economy.   They are called Yttrium, Lanthanum, Praseodymium, Neodymium, Terbium, Cerium and the list does[…]

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Alternative Bank Schweiz, based in Olten, Switzerland, has joined the European network for shareholder engagement SfC – Shareholders for Change on 21 June 2019. The network, that was created in December 2017, has now 11 members investing in more than €23bn and representing about €140bn assets under management. Founded in 1990, ABS is owned by more than 6,700[…]

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